Katrin will surprise you with her unfailing positivity and her posts bear witness to this. We greatly appreciated her sincerity and kindness through this interview for Amelia Concierge.
A brief presentation of you
This is a tough one… Jokes aside! My name is Katrin, I went to law school at the university in Fribour and then followed after my husband to Berlin where I our wonderful daughter Anna was born. After coming back to Switzerland, I started working at a local radio station which was amazing because I got to make some first experiences as a journalist aka my dream job since childhood. One thing lead to another and now it’s almost 10 years that I’m working as a freelance journalist for different titles and occasionally as an event presenter. A big part of my work is my own blog sonrisa.chwhich I founded in 2016 in order to spread some good vibes and inform my readers about everything that’s going on in the beauty world.
What reason led you to do the job you do today?
As I said: I always wanted to be a journalist, but never made any efforts (I’m super lazy…). When we got back to Switzerland, I was offered this job at the local radio station. I learned a lot about research, meeting people and doing interviews. Since I love wringing (and honestly don’t have the perfect voice), I left my job after around eight years and started all over as a trainee in different newspapers. It was intense but more than this it was just amazing!
The positive sides of your work and the negative ones?
As a freelance journalist, I’m my own boss. This comes with a lot of advantages (complete freedom) and some challenges (I’m never really off duty), but in the big picture I’m super happy!
Your life philosophy?
Wow! What can I say? I have a lot of mantras I try to life by – „be kind“ for example or „always listen to your gut“. But most of all, I’m a firm believer that it’s up to us how we deal with what we get from the universe. (Sorry, cheesy answers, you don’t need to publish it).
You have certainly traveled a lot in your life, which is the country that suits you the most ?
We have been to Los Angeles and New York so many times that these cities became like a second home to us. Also I loved living in Berlin and my year in Madrid was transformative for me in many ways. Should there ever be an occasion to move, we’ll do this faster than you can read this sentence. Having said that, I’m very much aware of all the privileges we have here in Switzerland for which I’m super grateful!
An anecdote to tell us about your work?
There are so many… Poppy Delevigne for example taught me how to take a selfie and one of the funniest interviews I had was with a male model who insisted in showing me some boxing moves. Also very impressive: My interview with a man who works on a waste disposal facility and told me „I have the best job of the world!“. I was so touched and humbled! It’s always the way you look at things, right?
To follow her articles @katrincroth.