


In addition to being home to some of the top international schools in Europe, you will find easily in Switzerland such a high standard education for your kids.

-Offering suitable summer and winter camps during your holidays season. We will understand individual needs.
-The best private education for our client’s children. Find with us the most recognized schools and universities.
-Simply need advice or hear the experience of someone who has lived and studied in this country, we are happy to receive your request.



Children who run around and cry are often source of stress during your holidays or in everydaylife.

Difficult for you to make a choice of accomodation with them in mind ?

Trust our nanny team who will take care of your children by leaving you to your occupations in peace.


Medical purpose

In Switzerland, private clinics and public hospitals work closely together so that excellent doctors, state-of-the-art technologies and the latest treatments are accessible for every specialty. This benefits patients because all the competition creates a good amount of choice. These complementary plans offer coverage for things not covered by basic insurance. This includes alternative medicine and dental treatments.

What we guarantee :
Short waiting times
Innovative medical technology
Tradition to welcome international customers
Quality, security and tradition